The P.D.O. goodness is safeguarded by Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia. Based on taste results, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar is classified in three categories: Oro, Argento and Aragosta. These are the colours of the three stickers applied on the typical Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia bottles to identify the different qualities obtained from different ageing periods of at least 12 years.
The product with an Argento (Silver) Sticker is aged approximately 6/7 years longer than that with an Aragosta sticker and is therefore more concentrated lessening the perception of acidity and generating a complex yet pleasant sweet and sour flavour making it ideal as a dressing but also for first and second courses.
Its intense rich aroma with a gentle sweet hint is exalted in mayonnaise, in dips for boiled meats or fish dishes, in pasta or rice salads or with goose liver. It is also ideal with sharp and mature cheeses and, above all, with Parmigiano Reggiano.
It is perfect as an accompaniment to beef fillets and it can also be used to cream a risotto, especially those containing vegetables or prawns.